Joshua Tree

Rosamond Skypark

The Rosamond Skypark Association

Joshua Tree
The Rosamond Skypark is a privately-owned and operated residential skypark located in Southern California's Antelope Valley (AKA "Aerospace Valley"). Our FAA designator is L00 (Lima-Zero-Zero) and our airport is open for public use. This website is operated by the Rosamond Skypark Association as a service to our owner/members. We also provide various items of interest to pilots and the general public.

Current Happenings & Notices:

Skypark Board Meeting

Next meeting:  February 13

Board meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month in the Skypark building.

All members are invited to attend these meetings and participate in the administration of the Association.

Annual Meeting
The 2025 meeting of the Skypark's membershp has been completed.

As there were no other volunteers, the current Board members will continue to serve through 2025.

Touch-and-Go Curfew

The Board recently had to deal with an irate local citizen's complaint about 06:30-ish touch and go activity.

All pilots are reminded the Skypark's FAA AF/D notices prohibit touch and go's before 08:00 local, although currently in the AF/D this is confusingly stated in Zulu time.

Please remember we are a residental project imbedded in residential neighborhoods.