Joshua Tree

Rosamond Skypark

The Rosamond Skypark Association

Joshua Tree
The Rosamond Skypark is a privately-owned and operated residential skypark located in Southern California's Antelope Valley (AKA "Aerospace Valley"). Our FAA designator is L00 (Lima-Zero-Zero) and our airport is open for public use. This website is operated by the Rosamond Skypark Association as a service to our owner/members. We also provide various items of interest to pilots and the general public.

Current Happenings & Notices:

Board Meeting

The next scheduled meeting of your Board will be held Thursday, Sept. 12th, 6:00 PM.   This September meeting will be held in the FBO office (north side of the FBO hangar).

Meetings are routinely held monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month.   Members are always welcome to attend these meetings and participate in the operation of our Skypark!

About Those Weeds - Again 

Although to this point the Association has never been authoritarian in dealing with landscaping or its upkeep, the CC&Rs do specify that yards be "landscaped" and kept  "neat, sanitary and attractive" as well as NOT being in an "unsafe" or "dangerous" condition.  Even with the most liberal translation, dried weeds definitely do not meet any elements of that standard.

  Our recent nearby brush fire that resulted in the issuance of a "get ready to evacuate" order from the County should be a pointed reminder about tall dry weeds!!

Pavement Work Planned

While no firm schedule has yet been set, plans are underway to resurface the entire "FBO" ramp out to its mating with the taxiway.

This project necessarily will require a period of NOTAM'd closure of that portion of the main taxiway, which in turn will require aircraft to back-taxi on the runway for many operations.

Details to follow as they become available.